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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Protests to Lady gaga

Many protests for lady gaga ya-_- but please consider. Her art, her songs, it's all cool. Although her lyrics are controversial, but there's also right ..... Mother monster go go! Me support you <3

Lady Gaga faces Philippines gig protests
Lady Gaga’s tour has been hit with another blow after protest groups in the Philippines called on officials to follow Indonesia’s lead and ban the pop star from performing.
Dozens of Christians took to the streets of capital city Manila on Friday for a ‘Stop the Lady Gaga concerts’ rally, piling pressure on organizers to axe the upcoming shows.

The protesters, from the Biblemode Youth Philippines group, say they are offended by the raunchy “Poker Face” hitmaker’s music and promos, and singled out her hit track “Judas,” branding it blasphemous.
Gaga is due to perform in the city on Monday and Tuesday, and Pasay City Mayor Antonino Calixto has urged promoters to ensure she obeys the country’s strict concert rules, which ban nudity and lewd acts, according to the Associated Press.

In a statement, he says, “Although we respect artistic and musical expressions, I won’t allow anyone or any group to provide acts which may be questionable in a way at any venue under my jurisdiction.
“We reminded the producers of Lady Gaga’s concert that the show and the event as a whole shall not exhibit any nudity or lewd conduct which may be offensive to morals and good customs.”
Gaga’s gig could also face problems even if the protesters fail in their bid to ban her – they’ve vowed to file a lawsuit against the singer if she performs “Judas” at the shows in Manila.
The Asian leg of Gaga’s Born This Way Ball tour has been dogged with problems – uncertainty still hangs over her planned gig in Jakarta, Indonesia next month after officials withdrew her performance permit, and her show in Seoul, South Korea was hit with protests and a ban on under-18s.

Di Filipina, Penyelenggara Konser Lady Gaga Bisa Dihukum

 REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MANILA Filipina menegaskan tak bakal mengizinkan konser Lady Gaga di negeri itu. Alasannya, lagu-lagu Gaga membawa pesan amoral.

Bahkan, alasan itu pula yang menyebabkan baik penyanyi maupun penyelenggara bisa dipidanakan. Mantan Walikota Manila Jose Atienza mengatakan penyanyi dan penyelenggara dapat dihukum. "Menyinggung ras atau agama tak diperkenankan di Filipina," katanya.

Di Filipina, sekitar 70 pemuda Kristen di Filipina telah meneriakkan "Hentikan Konser Lady Gaga" dalam kampanye terbaru. Mereka menuntut konser Gaga pekan depan dibatalkan.

Anggota dari kelompok yang disebut Biblemode Pemuda Filipina mengatakan Jumat bahwa mereka tersinggung dengan musik Lady Gaga dan videonya, khususnya lagu Judas, yang kata mereka mengolok-olok Yesus Kristus.

Pemimpin protes dan mantan anggota Kongres Filipina Ben Abante mengatakan kelompoknya berencana untuk membawa kasus ini ke pengadilan. Kelompok yang lebih moderat mengizinkannya, asalkan selama konser dia tak membawakan lagu Judas. 

Lady Gaga’s Indonesia Concert Permit Denied

video platform video management video solutions video player   Lady Gaga’s June 3 concert in Jakarta, Indonesia — the subject of protests and complaints by that country’s hard-line Islamist organizations — will not go forward as scheduled. The Jakarta Globe reports a police spokesman as saying, “The National Police said verbally that [the concert] would not be permitted,” while the Jakarta Post reports that Gaga has become the first foreign artist ever denied a concert permit by Indonesian authorities.
A spokesperson for the National Police said that it denied the permit based on the police recommendation and the protests from the Islamist groups who had accused Gaga of being vulgar, corrupting the morals of the country’s youth, and worshiping Satan.  One group said it would send crowds of its supporters to intercept Gaga at the airport and prevent her from staging the show.

Nevertheless, there was plenty of public support for the concert, which was sold out.  The concert promoter told the Jakarta Globe that the idea that Gaga worships the devil is ridiculous. “Lady Gaga is a Catholic and she has many charitable works. How could she be a devil worshiper?” the promoter said.  He also had promised that Gaga would tone down her provocative outfits for the show: “The concert will be different from video clips [online]. It will not be vulgar.”

There are some comment from Indonesia Humanrights Activist, director, and actress, Ratna sarumpaet. She support to Mother gaga !!

Yang zalim sebenarnya adalah SBY? Ke mana dia di tengah-tengah masalah bangsa saat ini."

"Kepala negara kita ini ke mana? Kok jadi Rizieq sih yang lebih sering gue lihat di TV?"

"FPI itu seakan-akan menghina orang Indonesia."

"Jangan hina bangsa sendiri. Emang abis nonton Lady GaGa nanti 50 ribu orang bakal kerasukan setan? Manusia juga punya sensor diri!"

"Setiap orang punya sensor moral sendiri. Gak usah ngatur moral orang lain!"

"Jangan menghina bangsa sendiri. Nonton Lady GaGa sekali terus besoknya kesetanan ya enggak kan?  Jangan mengada-ada." 


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